Enrolment Application Form and Information


OLHC School Enrolment Policy and Procedure is available to all parents requesting a placement in our school.

The order of priority for DOBCEL primary schools is:

  1. Siblings of children already enrolled in the school
  2. Catholic children for whom this is the closest*Catholic Primary school to the child’s predominant residential address
  3. Catholic children for whom this is not the closest* Catholic Primary school to the child’s predominant residential address (for pastoral reasons, following referral of parents back to the closest school and discussions between colleague Principals)
  4. Other children who are seeking a Catholic education with priority given to those for whom this is the closest* Catholic Primary School to the child’s predominant residential address

* as measured by the student conveyance method - Student Conveyance Allowance System (SCAS)

* in shared care arrangements – where one parent has more than 50% shared care then this would be the residential address to determine the priority of enrolment.  In the case of equal (50/50) shared care then the closest residential address shall determine the priority of enrolment

Policy Statement

The Ballarat Diocesan Catholic Schools and Colleges embrace the mission of the Church by welcoming the enrolment of all students and families who want to experience our hospitality.

Applications for enrolment at OLHC Primary School means that you are choosing a Catholic Education, which requires a commitment to support the vision and aims of the OLHC Primary School and a willingness to co-operate in their


2025 Foundation Enrolments

Enrolments for 2025 Foundation students close June 19th

Students transferring from another School

When a student transfers from another school an official transfer form is required. Copies of the student’s Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate, Immunisation Certificate, and copies of Reports are required.


A Catholic child is defined as a child in which he/she has been baptised Catholic. A baptism certificate is required at enrolment (if applicable).

School Readiness

Starting school is a big step for children to make. At OLHC families and students are assisted in this transition through the provision of Enrolment tours, Enrolment interviews, Parent Information sessions, School familiarisation visits and an Orientation Day.

If parents have any questions about their child’s readiness for school please refer to the Australian Government’s

information about School Readiness

Parents are welcome to contact the School office to make an appointment to discuss the needs of their child.