Employment @ OLHC


OLHC Primary School is located in Warrnambool, a vibrant growing rural city on the Great South-West Coast of Victoria.

OLHC is a dynamic and ever growing learning community of approximately 470 students, 55 staff and 310 families, committed to ensuring school and home are one and that children remain at the core of all our decision making.Picture2.jpg

Current Vacancies 
Sept 2024


OLHC Primary School seeks the services of a suitably qualified and accredited VIT Registered Teacher to fill the role of 

Mental Health & Wellbeing Leader (MHWL) 

The position is 0.4 FTE and working days and times are negotiable, this role is funded through the MHiPs program. 

The successful applicants will:

  • Be committed to Catholic Education
  • Demonstrate an ability to inform and influence the work of others involved in the engagement, mental health, wellbeing or learning of children and young people.
  • Demonstrate an ability to input into the development, implementation and evaluation of processes and strategies relating to mental health, wellbeing or learning.
  • Demonstrate an ability to support a student’s mental health, wellbeing or learning by developing and maintaining connection with external services
  • Demonstrate high level interpersonal skills and communication skills as well as a high level of capability to establish and maintain collaborative relationships with students, parents, other employees and the broader school community to focus on student learning, wellbeing and engagement.
  • Demonstrate an ability to influence and negotiate by gaining buy-in and ownership for ideas, gaining agreement to proposals, or involving experts or other third parties to strengthen a case.

Applications should contain a cover note, a completed "Application for Employment" form (see below), a curriculum vitae and 3 referees.

These should be forwarded to:

The Principal

Mr. Stephen Madden

Our Lady Help of Christians

28 Selby Rd Warrnambool 3280 

or via email to admin@olhcwarrnambool.catholic.edu.au 

Applications close 16/9/24 

OLHC Primary School community promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children.
