Newsletter T1W1
Acknowledgement of Country

Today we acknowledge and pay our respects to the First Peoples, the traditional custodians of the lands and waterways and thank them for their continued hospitality.
We acknowledge and celebrate the continuation of a living culture who have lived with Creator God through creation of land, sea, waterways and life.

Leadership & Stewardship

Principal's Message
Dear Parents, Guardians & Students,
Welcome to and back to Our Ladies for the 2025 school year.
Our local summer, weather wise, was one out of the box and reminded me of the endless days of sunshine we enjoyed as children. I hope you managed to enjoy the weather and spend some quality time with friends and family.
Our school oval certainly points to a summer with no rain, but hopefully we get a few mills of rain to green things up a bit.
This year we welcome a few new and returning staff to OLHC . These changes include:
- Nicole O'Keefe - Digital Tech Mon/Tues and Leader release Fridays
- Jane Thring - Library Mon -Thurs
- Alex Ryan - Teaching Mondays with Jo Wain in 3RW.
- Peta Bourke - Teaching Wednesdays in Japanese Arts
- Katlyn Pitt - Teaching Fridays with AnneMaree Chapman in 3CP
- Mel Willis - MHiPS ( Mental Health in Primary Schools leader) Weds/Thurs
- Nicole Gynes & Jacqui Toke - LSOs
- Chloe Mutton, Estelle Evans and Matt Edwards -Trainees
- Mark Evans - Maintenance and OHS support
- Ben Louden is taking 12 months leave without pay in 2025.
We also welcome our foundation students to OLHC and the following new students & their families:
Foundation Students
Isabel Anto, Dulcie Bant, Roisin Barlow, Hamish Bateman, Arlo Bidmade, Irine Bipin, Lucia Boretto, Fleur Britnell, Ethan Broderick, William Chapman, Boh Clifford, Zimma Collishaw, Louis Conheady, Theo Coomaraswamy, George Couch, Imogen Coxall, Abel Cross, Xanthe Danger, Connor Davey, Sid Dickson, Amelia Fernando, Cleo Fogarty, Matilda Fraser, Lachlan Gear, Mace Gleeson, Arlo Graham, Mac Halloran, Sonny Hanson, Blair Harkness, Walter Hee, Sadie Isles, Harrison Jukes, Poppy Keane, Marli Keogh, Willow Lenehan, Mia Ludeman, Sullivan Lynch, Scarlett Mahony, Beau Malady, Isla Martin, Patrick McCarthy, Hugh McMillan, Annabel Merry, Tessa Miller, Edith Monaghan, Finlee Moore, Halle Neeson, Sylvia O'Sullivan, Harriet Parhar, Hugo Philp, Bonnie Preston, Elizabeth Ross, Daisy Rowan, Gia Shortt, Lukas Silbernagel, Nevindie Silva, Bessie Slattery, George Sleeman, Abigail Smith, Eli Suridge, Harrison Thorne, Cara Walker, Maisie Walsh, Evie Warhurst, Frankie White, Ava Wilde, Mason Wilson, Edwina Wright & Jacob Young
New Foundation Families
- Anto Francis & Anila Rose
- Chris & Emma Bant
- Joel & Emma Bateman
- Jye & Rhianna Bidmade
- Bipin Joseph & Sheeba Babu
- Ezequiel Boretto & Ange Doldan
- Daniel & Alannah Clifford
- Kushan & Disna Fernando
- James & Emily Gear
- Jack & Keziah Gleeson
- Thomas & Kellie Hanson
- Liam & Narelle Jukes
- Nathan & Annie Keane
- Scott & Jacinta Lenehan
- Emma Malady
- Anna McCarthy
- Craig Merry & Sharni Walters
- Sam & Laura Miller
- Jon & Bridget Ross
- Ben & Elvia Silbernagal
- Shashan & Nicole Silva
- Chris Wombwell & Shey Jones
- Michael Sleeman & Elizabeth Hingston
- Simon & Amy Walker
- Natalie Dwyer
- Troy Wilson
- Thomas & Danielle Wright
- Jai & Karen Young
Other Year Levels
- Cecil Colley 1JA - Clinton Colley & Vicky Buchanan
- Liam Kelly 1JS - Marcus Kelly & Jayne Couch
- Teddy 2BW & Violet Jane 4TD - Andrew & Megan Jane
- Tia Beaton 5CW - Dale & Carly Beaton
A few reminders and thank you's
- Thank you for supporting us with no drop offs before 8: 30 am. Their Care is available for all families.
- Earrings. Children are permitted to wear studs or sleepers only. If your child's hair is past shoulder length it needs to be tied up for obvious health reasons.
- Please check the calendar below as we have a number of upcoming events in the next few weeks including Camps, Early Steps Conferences, Pupil free days and Community sports day.
- Thanks to parents for naming/labelling your child’s possessions - it makes it a lot easier to reacquaint the items with your child.
- This is a reminder that only students who are registered to travel on specific country buses can use this service.
- The service is not to be used for sports training/work/social purposes.
- Parent/Carers are to make their own arrangements in this regard.
Lastly, we had a new addition to our family over the holidays. I look forward to showing the kids at some point.
Meet, Roy.

Important Dates
Term 1
Monday 3rd February - Second Hand Uniform Sale 2.30 to 3.30 pm
Wednesday 5th February - Foundation Rest Day
Wednesday 12th February - Foundation Rest Day
Thursday 13th February - beginning of School Year Community Mass @ 12pm
Friday 14th February - Lunch Orders Begin
17th - 28th February - Early Steps Conferences - more info to come
Tuesday 18th February - Reconciliation Parent Info Meeting @ 7pm
Wednesday 19th February - Foundation Rest Day
Tuesday 25th February - School Photos
Wednesday 26th February - Foundation Rest Day
Wednesday 5th March - Foundation Rest Day
Monday 10th March - Labour Day Public Holiday
Sunday 16th March - OLHC Athletics @ Brauerander Park
Monday 17th March - No School in lieu of athletics Sunday
Wednesday 19th March - Foundation Rest Day
20th - 21st March - Yr 4 Camp Adekate Ballarat
Wednesday 26th March - Foundation Rest Day
Thursday 27th - Reconciliation Celebration @ 7pm
31st Mar to 1st April - Yr 3 Camp Warra Gnan & Yr 6 Camp Melbourne
Thursday 3rd April - Last day of term for students
Friday 4th April - Pupil Free Day - Staff PD
Term 2
Monday 21st April - Easter Monday - Public Holiday
Tuesday 22nd April - Term 2 Resumes
Thursday 24th April - Southern Zone Staff PD - Pupil Free Day
Friday 25th April - ANZAC Day Public Holiday
Teaching & Learning @ OLHC
A Message from Mr A
Week 1 Term 1
Welcome back to the 2025 school year for all students and their families. It was a baptism of fire in the Foundation area Wednesday morning as we transitioned our newest students into schooling life. Rest assured there will be teething problems for some as they make the adjustment to this major change in their life. We do have an incredibly experienced and knowledgeable staff who will assist the students (...and some parents) as they navigate through this time. Steve and I are normally floating around the office and the Foundation hallway in the mornings if you require any assistance at drop-offs.
We have scheduled Early Steps Conferences for Weeks 4 and 5. For those new to our community these are a short 10-minute conference with your child’s teacher to make connections, discuss how your child is settling in, and anything else that may assist them to make a positive start to the year. These can be booked through PAM. We will release information to parents regarding this next week.
From time to time parents may require some additional assistance with something that relates to their child’s education. In the past, some parents have contacted Steve or myself via Class Dojo. Being connected to all 21 grades, the messages don’t always get to us in time. If parents do require support or assistance, we ask that you contact us via our emails-

Technology Toolkit with Mrs Fitzgerald and Ms O'Keeffe
Hello OLHC families,
Your child’s Digital Technology teachers for 2025 are Nicole O’Keeffe (Mon & Tues) and Ellen Fitzgerald (Wed, Thurs & Fri). Each week in our newsletter we’ll share snapshots of student learnings, as well as online safety tips and relevant technology updates.
We look forward to working with you and your child this year.
Nicole and Ellen
Ms Fitzgerald:
Ms O’Keeffe:
Faith & Culture

Parish Office Hours: 9am - 4pm Monday - Friday
P: 5562 2231
webpage : https://www.
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil
6:00pm OLHC, Warrnambool East
Sunday Morning
9:00am Infant Jesus, Koroit
9:00am St Pius X, Warrnambool West
10:30am St Joseph’s, Warrnambool
10:30am St Patrick’s, Port Fairy
6:00pm St Joseph’s Warrnambool
*11:00am St Anne’s, Purnim
2nd Sunday of the month (Eucharist)
Weekday Masses
Tues 10:00am St Pius X
Wed 10:00am St Joseph’s
Thu 10:00am OLHC & 11:00am Mercy Place
Fri 10:00am St Joseph’s
Sat 10:00am OLHC

If you want to learn to ride a skateboard or get better at maths, you need to practise. It’s the same when you want to feel happier!
Here are some easy ideas to give Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy a try every day. Because the more you practise, the better you will feel.
Let's Practice!

A reminder to parents, carers and grandparents that SchoolTV is a free resource.

School Transitions
Whether it is starting school for the first time, moving up to a higher grade or embarking on a journey through secondary school, there is no doubt that any school transition is a very exciting time for children and parents. It means that the children are growing up!
However, for many it may also be a very anxious and stressful time for both parents and children. Parents need to be aware of their child’s feelings during any school transition and minimise anxiety so the process is an enjoyable experience for all. It is important for children to attend transition or orientation programs offered by schools. Familiarisation is often key to reducing stress levels. It is also important for parents to talk to their children about their expectations and being more responsible for their own needs.
Parents & Friends Association



This Weeks Birthdays
Daisy Rowan
Isla Martin
Yr 2
Freddie Rowan
Herbie Barlow
Rory Tuggey
Harry Connolly
Yr 3
Emmy Drake
Amelia Murphy
Yr 4
Patrick Bonnett
Yr 5
Emily Bunting
Yr 6
Harry Powell
School Holiday Birthdays
Sonny Hanson
Imogen Coxall
Cleo Fogarty
Yr 1
Francesca O'Sullivan
Josephine Thomson
Paddy Mugavin
Phoebe McAllen
Mason Dimauro
Mia Dimauro
Freddie Clark
Jax Uzkuraitis
Sam Battistello
Yr 2
Harvey Goss
Mason Boswell
Thomas Madden
Charlie Forsterling
Yr 3
Max Sherlock
Grace Dennis
Zavier Burrows
Yr 4
Rose McLeod
Isaac Paul
Ruby Conn
Maisie Paton
Lucas Harrington
Lottie Moore
Yr 5
Ryder Steel
Macy Skene
Tayah Lake
Yr 6
Taylah Kelly
Isabella Lyons
Spiro Dimitropoulos
Darcy Brebner
Max Mills
Ruben Mills
School Sponsorship

School Forms & Policies
Mobile Phone Policy & Form
Medication Administration Form
Asthma Action Plan
Camps, Sports & Excursions Funding Form
OLHC Lunch Order Menu 2024
Please clearly label your child's Name, Class, Order & Total Cost on a brown paper bag with the correct money inside.
Country Bus Travel Application
Jill Burgess - Administration/Bus Coordinator @ Brauer College
P: 5560 3888
TheirCare Before & After School Care - plus Vacation
& School Closure Day Care

WCC After School Care Information
LOWES Uniform Price List
OLHC 2024 Prospectus